One of the main reasons that traffic accidents happen is because drivers are not paying attention or they make a mistake while behind the wheel. One type of behavior that could impact the rate of auto accidents is zombie driving, which happens when a driver arrives at...
Year: 2019
Technology is helping lower the number of auto accidents
Even the most experienced of drivers will make mistakes from time to time, and sometimes, those mistakes can lead to accidents. In addition to simple driver error, other reasons for auto accidents include distracted driving, speeding, recklessness and drunk driving....
Nursing-home abuse: Recognize the signs
Relocating an elderly parent to a nursing home or other long-term care facility is always a difficult decision. But often, when your parent can no longer care for themselves and you cannot provide adequate care, it’s in their best interest. When you choose a...
Avoiding auto accidents when sharing the road with teen drivers
While car accidents can happen during any time of year, they are especially prevalent during the summer months. There are more travelers on the road during the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and many of these are young drivers. The combination of summer...
Advice for How to Handle a Slip and Fall Accident
When people go out for work, visit a loved one, or run errands, the last thing they probably anticipate is slipping or tripping and then falling onto the ground. The injuries of hitting the floor or pavement can do serious damage on the human body. A person may suffer...
Reducing workplace injuries due to fire hazards in construction
Delaware construction workers face unique challenges every day when they are at work. From electrical hazards to moving equipment, there are many things that can increase the chance of an accident. This also includes fire hazards. There are specific steps employers...
Does banning cell phone use while driving work?
The temptation to check your phone while driving is very real. The traffic isn’t too bad, there aren’t any cops around, and you know that you’re a pretty good driver. What’s the worst that could happen? Delaware drivers should know the answer...
Dog bites in Delaware: should we be focused on breed?
Few things are as scary as being attacked (or seeing a loved one being attacked) by an aggressive animal. It is even more frightening when it happens in your own neighborhood and the attacking animal is someone else’s pet. Yet each year, hundreds of thousands of...
Workplace injuries decreasing, but may be on the rise again soon
Delaware employees of all types have the right to a reasonable expectation of safety when they go to work, even if they are employed in high-risk occupations. Thankfully, the number of workplace injuries has been decreasing across the country, even though...
Many auto accidents may be the result of higher speed limits
Several decades ago, the speed limit on most highways and interstates was 55 mph. In comparison to today's interstate speed limits averaging from 70 to 80 mph, that may seem very slow to many Delware drivers. However, there is evidence that suggests that the slow...