As a health care patient support worker, you probably are no stranger to the dangers of working in your field. You may usually take preventative measures to avoid occupational musculoskeletal injuries. But now that you have a back injury from lifting patients, you may...
Workers’ Compensation
Construction site negligence can contribute to scaffold injuries
Delaware construction sites are dangerous working environments, with dozens of workers completing many tasks simultaneously, both on the ground and up on scaffolds. Staying on budget and within the timeframe allotted can put stress on employers and create an unsafe...
Is the newest work safety concern the labor market?
Sometimes the most dangerous thing about your workplace has nothing to do with machinery or hazards. According to Common Dreams, the newest safety risk in the workplace is the nature of the current job market and the expectations put on workers. The push to work...
What workers’ compensation benefits may you claim?
Delaware residents may claim workers’ compensation if they suffer a job-related injury or contract an occupational illness at work. Family members of a deceased worker may also have the right to a claim. What amounts may you recover for a job-related injury or...
Remote-office injuries may qualify for workers’ compensation
Delaware employees have the right to apply for workers' compensation benefits for any injuries that occur while on the job, even when working remotely. Setting up a home office might seem as though it does not pose injury risks, but that may not be the case. ...
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Working in an office is not usually considered a high-risk job. However, people who use computer equipment on a daily basis may have a higher risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel affects the median nerve, which extends through the forearm and wrist...
Workplace stress or burnout may qualify for workers’ compensation
Stress and Workers' Compensation Employee burnout can develop from exposure to chronic stress in the workplace. When serious work-related health issues develop while employed for a Delaware company, an employee may file a claim for workers' compensation. The World...
Delaware Work Injury and COVID-19
As the novel coronavirus has continued to spread in the State of Delaware, we thought it would be important to share information concerning work injury and COVID-19. On March 13, 2020, Governor John Carney declared a State of Emergency and has since issued nine...
Pittsburgh Steelers Ordered to Pay Workers Compensation to Former Player
When you receive an injury while working, you can claim workers' compensation - even if that workplace is on the football field. If you were injured at work, call the Delaware workers' compensation attorneys of Pratcher Krayer, LLC located in, Wilmington, Delaware. It...
Workplace injuries, fines and enforcement of safety standards
When a Delaware employee goes to work, he or she has the right to a reasonable expectation of safety. There are regulations and laws in place that protect this right, including those mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. When an employer...