When assessing damages after a motor vehicle accident, the first things we usually think of are the medical care and treatment expenses and car repair costs. This is unsurprising since these are direct and tangible damages.
However, car crash victims experience losses beyond that. Those who suffer permanent disabilities from car accidents can lose their jobs if they can no longer perform their tasks due to their injuries. Consequently, they lose their source of income.
If you are in a similar position, what can you do?
Make an insurance claim
Delaware drivers covered by the state’s car insurance policy may make a personal injury protection (PIP) claim to recover net lost wages and earnings due to a car crash injury resulting in a disability. The insurance company will still have to investigate the accident, disability and proof of wages before settling a claim. Therefore, proper and sufficient evidence is critical when making a claim.
File a lawsuit for damages
If your disability, lost earnings and career opportunities are too substantial that the insurance policy cannot fairly cover it, another remedy would be to sue the driver at fault for damages. Evidence also plays a crucial role in filing a lawsuit for damages so you have to come prepared.
A fight you do not have to face alone
Preparing to seek damages while recovering from your injuries is a heavy burden to carry as a car crash victim. Not only does it put a mental and physical toll on you, but it also places you in a vulnerable position when facing the insurance company or the driver at fault. Assistance from a skilled and caring legal advocate can help you assess your situation and find the best solution to protect your rights.