Whether you sustained an injury in a distracted driving crash or you are the parent of a teen driver, it is essential to understand the risks associated with distracted driving, especially when it comes to young drivers. On the road, teens lose focus for a host of reasons, such as peer pressure and phone use. Moreover, some young drivers do not understand how dangerous it is to divert one’s attention while driving.
Unfortunately, distracted driving claims many lives and causes even more victims to suffer significant injuries every year. Distracted driving accident victims deserve justice for the hardships they often have to endure.
Statistics on distracted driving among teens
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a study found that during 2019, 39% of high schoolers who drove admitted to sending an email or texting while behind the wheel in the last 30 days. Furthermore, drivers between the ages of 15 and 19 found themselves involved in more deadly distracted driving accidents than drivers of any other age group.
Taking a look at distracted driving statistics
The CDC reports that on a daily basis, roughly eight people lose their lives in distracted driving crashes in the U.S. alone. During 2018, 400,000 people suffered injuries in distracted driving collisions, based on estimates. Moreover, many of those involved in these crashes are riding a bicycle or walking. Regrettably, bicyclists and pedestrians are particularly vulnerable to distracted driving accidents.
If you are facing hardships following a distracted driving accident, you need to pore over your options and review strategies to help you move forward from a physical and financial point of view.