What can we do to reduce the likelihood of winter falls?

On Behalf of | Dec 8, 2020 | Personal Injury |

Delaware is one of several Northeastern states that experience cold winters and oft-delayed springs. During this time, snow and ice may present slipping hazards for people of all ages. If you take certain medications, have disabilities or belong to the 55-plus age group, the risk of falling climbs exponentially. 

Unfortunately, no foolproof plan exists that completely wipes out the possibility of a slip-and-fall accident. No amount of planning on behalf of visitors or customers accounts for the negligence of responsible parties. Even so, the following might help you reduce the probability of a fall. 

Warm up

You might take the extra time to warm up the car, but do you also take the time to warm up yourself? U.S. News shares that muscles take some time to warm up and become supple. Cold muscles lose elasticity and become more likely to sustain injuries. 


Cold air dries out the skin overnight. The warm air you run to beat the cold has a similar effect. When people become dehydrated, they lose balance more easily. Remember to hydrate before heading out. 


Inadequate nutrition also make falls more likely. Eating fruits, yogurt or a healthy snack before leaving the home may help ensure you get the nutrients you need to start the day. You may also ask your doctor about supplements. 

Stay fit

If you maintain fitness throughout the year, you might find you become more in tune with your body. This might help improve your reaction to slippery surfaces at work. Should you fall, you might also have shorter recovery periods. 

When all else fails, learning how to fall also presents many benefits. Professionals may illustrate what angle works better for you, based on pre-existing injuries.